Our Principal Engineer has over 20 years experience in the fields of road safety engineering and collision reconstruction across a range of organization types within Australia and internationally. He has assisted legal proceedings in various matters of the following courts:
- NSW District Court
- NSW Supreme Court
- VIC Magistrates Court
- VIC County Court
- WA District Court
COLLISION AND SAFETY has experience servicing a diverse range of clients across a number of industries including:
- Plaintiff Lawyers (NSW, VIC, WA)
- Defendant Lawyers (NSW)
- Coroner (QLD)
- Petrochemical Industry (China, Thailand, United Kingdom)
- Mining Industry (New Zealand, WA, VIC)
- Police (New Zealand)
- Legal Aid (NSW)
- Road Authorities (United Kingdom, New Zealand, NSW, VIC, QLD and peak Aust/NZ body)
Nigel McDonald—Principal Engineer—BE(Hons.civil), MSAPACI, MSAE |
Has worked in the profession since 1990 for a motoring advocacy group, local government, engineering consultancy and research body. Senior road safety auditor. NSW Director of ASPACI. |
Nicole Sellin—Consultant—BArts, BArch(Hons), UM
University medalist. 15 years drafting and graduate professional experience.